Monday, December 16, 2013

BIG HAMMER #2 (1990)

pic of Etheridge Knight by LaMer Steptoe

art by Loring Hughes

Joe Weil cont. / art by Loring Hughes

Matt Borkowski

Matt Borkowski cont. / art by Loring Hughes

Lamont Steptoe

Enid Dame

photo by Lynn Forrest

Peter Money

photo by Matt Jetzt

photo of Elizabeth NJ by Pedro Angel Serrano

Joe Weil

joe weil

joe weil cont. / tom o.

pedro angel serrano

bob rixon

pedro angel serrano

lee ranaldo

lee ranaldo

lee ranaldo

lee ranaldo / art by loring hughes

photo of EK by Elizabeth McKim

art by loring hughes

art by luna ticks

photo by lynn forrest

art by Loring Hughes

lydia lunch

lydia lunch

Lydia Lunch

art by Timothy Levine

Jack Kelley

jack kelley

bill shields

Lamont Steptoe

jeff poniewaz

photo by Miriam LeClair

photo by Lynn Forrest

art by Mike Kyle

s. clay wilson

art by loring hughes

luna ticks

Luna Ticks

luna ticks

John Quinn III

John Quinn III

John Quinn III

ken greenley

ken greenley

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